
The SHE project proposes to tackle domestic violence against women,
by developing and implementing a prevention and support training programme
for a particularly relevant target group - public administration HR specialists in Bulgaria.
In the aftermath of the COVID-19-related nationwide lockdowns, it became clear that
peer-based approaches to the support and referral of victims of domestic violence
need to tap into the workplace domain - the only space through which victims living in
confinement with their abusers can be reached. The SHE project will contribute to the
efforts of ending domestic violence by creating the tools and capacities with which to
equip a well-positioned group of professionals to identify, support, and refer victims.
The SHE project will be executed by a consortium of relevant partner organisations -
each with a unique positionality, access, and expertise on the issue. By developing
training materials, strategic documents, practical tools, and guidelines, the SHE
project will result in a gender-inclusive and gender-sensitive training programme
for HR professionals in the public administration. The training programme will build the
capacity of at least 360 participants and will have the potential to raise awareness about
domestic violence against women among the entire public administration in Bulgaria.

The Institute of Public administration is a partner in the project
which is led by the Center for the Study of Democracy and Association Demetra.

The project duration is two years (2022-2024) and is financed
by Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.